Awhile back (like summer or fall 2010) I bought some crazy fun fabric from the
Monaluna Circa 50 line that had rockets and moons on it. I figured it would be perfect for someone eventually (hello NASA), but after seeing how much Evan liked his
sister's puffy quilt I knew I had to make him one too. The Monaluna fabric had teal and orange in it which I decided would be so much fun for a little boy and thus Evan's puffy quilt was born! Here are some pictures of the finished product:

When I dropped the quilt off on Monday, I was treated to delicious dinner involving some seriously yummy grilled asparagus as well as some good conversation with Evan. I may have only understood about 25% but he sure does have a lot to say nowadays, so cute! Thanks for having me over, Crisps!
Remember, if you want to make your own puffy quilt, you can buy the tutorial from HoneyBear Lane here:
PUFFY. Enjoy!
this is great!!! you are so talented!!!! (of course we already knew that!)