I decided to take a long weekend over the 4th to visit the family in Maryland. It was awesome and I got to see most all of the family between Sam's graduation party (congrats lady!) and hanging at the house. I was also able to see a couple of friends but majorly failed at picture taking. It was an excellent trip home, I forgot how much I love MD and DC in the summer (last summer we went to AZ for the summer family rendezvous). Here are the few pictures I managed to take:
Grandpa, Mom and I about to dig into some MD blue crabs!

All finished, feeling unsettlingly full but happy!

Picture with both the grandparents before I leave :)

Gracie doing her best sad face on the landing:

Gracie and I snuggling on the couch:

Mom and I before the airport:

Dad and I before the airport:

Next trip I promise to be better with the camera! Miss everyone so much!
Crabs! Yummmmmm