At the 'shelter' where we adopted the pups:

Baloo at 3 mo:

Noodle helping with the dishes:

Pups snuggling in their (now Noodle's) chair:

Reenacting our first pic at 6 months, such big boys!:

Getting ready to see Santa!:

Noodle hiding under Christine's bed (probably being naughty):

Pups playing in the water in Seabrook:

Noodle caught tunneling in my bed:

Muddy Baloo at doggie socialization:

Last Picture together in TX:

Always hungry! Noodle in his food bag in WA (sent from Christine):

Baloo's newest quirk: laying in the bathtub while I'm home and ignoring him:

He really won't come out:

My boy, the avid squirrel hunter:

Baloo on his 3rd Birthday:

Happy birthday boy:

Happy birthday, boys!

Cutest post ever! They are such handsome boys!
ReplyDeleteThis coming from the mom of two of the cutest lady nuggets ever! Thanks woman!