I have an ad up on the
Mom Made That website detailing info on Ten And Ten and allowing people to request a review. With a review, typically the store sends a popular blogger a free item from their stock and the blogger tries out the product and writes up their opinion of the items. This is especially useful for online stores since customers don’t have the hands on option of a brick and mortar store. After convoing a couple of the bloggers I came up with these new tutus for their toddler children. One of the girlies was referred to by her mother as “Miss Diva” so I made this very girly hot pink and violet tutu for her:

And the other girlie was referred to by her mother as “Ladybug” so I obviously had to make this ladybug tutu:

Both items are now for sale in my
shop, so if you’re interested check them out!
Those are adorable!